modeling and leading in education

4-6 pages length

APA Format



As a leader in your school, you may be asked to develop action plans in the implementation of a variety of initiatives. In this assignment, discuss your ideas for presenting a plan of action to a diverse group of stakeholders, including colleagues, decision makers, parents, and community members.


Part 1: Plan

Address the following in your plan:

  • Briefly describe the plan you will be promoting in your presentation.
    • Your plan should involve the implementation of an educational innovation, preferably related to educational technology.
  • Analyze the makeup of the stakeholder audience to which you would present your plan of action; this group could include colleagues, decision makers, parents, and community members.
  • Provide a rationale for your choice of occasion and venue for the presentation.
    • For example, would you present to the school faculty at a faculty meeting? Or would you present to the school board at a board meeting?
  • Justify the topics you would address with this group at this occasion and venue.
  • Analyze the main points that would be needed to persuade all stakeholders.
    • How could you address their key concerns? How will you support your contentions? Will you refer to the professional literature or personal experience? Why or why not?
  • Write a 3-minute introduction designed to grab your audience’s attention and persuade them to listen attentively to your presentation.

Resources: The Process of School Change

Resources: Stakeholders and Sustainable Innovation

Through these resources, you will examine how stakeholders can engage in and sustain change and how to persuade them to do so.

Resources: Persuasion and Credibility

Persuasion and Credibility

Persuasive Speech Structure

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