Module 01 Project – Introduction and Topic

This project provides an opportunity to apply financial management concepts to a case study for a healthcare organization. The project helps examine the fundamentals of healthcare finances, assets, budgets, cost and financial analysis. You will create and/or review financial statements and reports, then provide a recommendation based on issues identified in the case. You will have an opportunity to critically analyze a financial case and provide recommendations.

The following link provide several cases to choose from. Choose a case that interests you, based on the overall description and noted financial challenge or issue.

The first part of your project will require you to choose a financial management case. Review the provided cases related to healthcare and financial management, and choose a specific case. The case you choose you will use throughout the course to complete your project assignments.

Submit a minimum 2-page report that:

· Identifies the topic and case you have chosen.

· Describes the financial issues outlined in your case.

· Describe perspectives of the financial challenges.

· Briefly discusses its relevance specifically to financial management in a healthcare organization.

· You will need to use a minimum of (3) scholarly/academic sources for your research. You will need to incorporate the sources into the content and use a minimum of (1) in-text citation per source. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, peer-reviewed articles, and case studies. The references should specifically address related financial challenges outlined in your case and/or offer additional perspectives. Academic scholarly journals can be access through the Rasmussen Online Library. You can explore Article by Subject (Health Care or Business), to start your search.

· Include an APA formatted reference page to document your sources.

This document will serve as your Introduction section of your project. 

***Case study……….CFO & Financial Consulting…..Accelerated cash improvement**

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