Module 04 Discussion – Interventions for a Patient in the Clinical Setting with a Mood Disorder

In this discussion, you’ll describe a patient with a mood disorder and the appropriate nursing interventions. Please answer the following questions in your initial posting:

Describe a client from your clinical setting or previous experience who experienced depression or mania. Include a brief history and 3-5 most pertinent medications.

  • Identify one problem that was not resolved with the treatment regimen. What are the reasons it may not have been successful? Include nursing as well as other team members.
  • Identify one effective nursing intervention and why you feel it worked.
  • Overall, do you feel this client was kept safe? Why or why not?
  • Please provide supporting evidence for your answers.

Respond to at least to two other classmates and explain if you agree or disagree with how they would handle a client who was having those symptoms. If you do not agree, please provide how they could have approached the client differently.

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