

For this week’s discussion, please share your thoughts on motivation. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Reflect on the “Motivation Concepts” interactive media activity. What concepts regarding motivation stood out most to you? How can you apply them to your professional role?
  • What factors do you think motivate employees the most? How does this compare to what motivates you personally?
  • Imagine a scenario with a group of employees who are not motivated. This may be a group of nurses working in the same department in a hospital, the employees at a pharmacy, or something else entirely. Describe the scenario and the impact on the organization.
  • What are some intrinsic versus extrinsic motivational strategies? Share any resources on this subject that you find.

Response Guidelines

Respond to the posts of at least two of your fellow learners and continue the conversation. Some ways you could do that include sharing why you agree or disagree with their post, how their thoughts relate to your personal experience or work experience, or how they helped answer a question you had.

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