Name the genetic disease in which mutations of two (2) separate genes (LAMC2 and LAMA3) cause an identical phenotype in the horse

1. Name the function of a Merkel cell. (1 mark)
2. Name the genetic disease in which mutations of two (2) separate genes (LAMC2 and
LAMA3) cause an identical phenotype in the horse. (1 mark)
3. Name a major component of the outer plaque of the hemidesmosome. (1 mark)
4. Name an autoimmune disease associated with abnormalities of the outer plaque of the
hemidesmosome in dogs. (1 mark)
5. Name the structural molecule associated with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis
bullosa of Rotes Hohenvieh calves. (1 mark)
6. Name the gene associated with hereditary cutaneous mucinosis of the Chinese
Shar pei. (1 mark)
7. State the mechanism by which copper deficiency leads to abnormalities in
pigmentation in cattle. (1 mark)
8. Name the precursor of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) and melanocyte
stimulating hormone (MSH). (1 mark)
9. Name the equine skin disease in which the cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin
(TSLP) has been shown to be over expressed. (1 mark)
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© 2015 The Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists ABN 00 50 000894 208
10. Name a molecular target of autoantibodies in human autoimmune urticaria. (1 mark)
11. Name a primary constituent of the cell wall of Pythium insidiosum. (1 mark)
12. Name the protein encoded by the ABCB1 (MDR1) gene. (1 mark)
13. State the primary function of Class 2 major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
molecules. (1 mark)
14. Name the major anatomical location of collagen type VII. (1 mark)
15. Name a resident cutaneous cell that contains abundant vimentin. (1 mark)
16. Name the two (2) resident cutaneous cells dependent on stem cell factor for their
embryologic development. (1 mark)
17. Name a major function of interleukin-5. (1 mark)
18. Name the major structural component of the layer of the dermo-epidermal junction
known as the lamina densa. (1 mark)
19. Name the group of calcium dependent enzymes critical for formation of the cornified
envelope. (1 mark)
20. Name the disease caused by mutations in the genes coding for keratins 5 and 14.
(1 mark)
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© 2015 The Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists ABN 00 50 000894 208
21. Name the antibody isotype that has a dimeric structure. (1 mark)
22. Name the step in the cholesterol to cortisol pathway catalysed by 3beta
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. (1 mark)
23. Name one (1) commonly used proliferation marker in cutaneous veterinary oncology.
(1 mark)
24. Name the Toll-like receptor that mediates the host response to gram positive bacteria.
(1 mark)
25. Name three (3) techniques that have been reported for the demonstration of IgE
responses to Malassezia pachydermatis in dogs. (1 mark)
26. Name the receptor on the keratinocyte surface which has been demonstrated to
recognise chitin in the exoskeleton of Demodex canis. (1 mark)
27. Define the term ‘cutaneous microbiome’. (1 mark)
28. Provide the term now used to describe hairless telogen. (1 mark)
29. Name the two (2) classes of antimicrobial peptides that are synthesised by
inflammatory cells and epithelial surfaces. (1 mark)




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