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Final Paper:The final paper should be between 15 and 20 pages in length (includingthe title page, tables, figures, etc), double-spaced, with margins of 1 inch and withAPA-style references. Arial or Times New Roman 12 point fonts only. Your papershould have two contents;(1) a brief summary of the current issue(s) in healthservices administration/management of HCOs and (2) an analysis regarding its ortheir impact on the management of the HCOs in terms of management functions(i.e., planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling), or other managerialareas. The analysis should include both reviewing the impact of the current issue ofyour choice on the management of HCOs in the past and present as well asprojecting its potential impact in the future. Remember that your final papershouldn’t be just a summary of the textbook contents or literature. Do your ownresearch to add to knowledge in terms of your topic by reviewing the relevantliterature comprehensively. Use the literature to support your analysis regardingthe impact of the chosen issue on the management of HCOs.