need help revising a excel sheet with calculations and formulas

Need help revising a excel calculations and excel formulas

  • Identify all the cells with calculations, and use formulas and cell references to show your answers. Note that you are also required to use a formula in cells in which you have to state whether you are at or under the total budget.
  • When computing the number of people who are likely to attend the party with each menu option, consider the food types in each menu (healthy, unhealthy, or mixed). This will give you the hint of which cells among (B32, C32, and C32) to reference in your calculations.
  • Reflection questions: For each menu option, revise your answers to show the pros and cons. Please include information about the number of people who are likely to attend, whether you are at or under the budget, and the inclusion of people who participate in steps to the wellness program.

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