need to read the proposal to understand what our business is about.I will upload the proposal in separate file.

Professional E Business Writing
This is a group work assignment. This assignment is related to the previous assignment (Proposal Writing). I will upload the proposal as you will understand the situation.
Task: The team will invent a business/organisation and write a web brief for the web designer (Part A) and write the texts that will be posted on your website(Part B). Im a member who will do Part B.
You need to read the proposal to understand what our business is about.I will upload the proposal in separate file.
Congratulations! Your group has just been notified by Auckland council that your grant application was approved! You now intend to create a website and because you want your web presence to be professional you are going to contract a website designer for the task. However you have creative ideas and texts to put forward for this project.
My specific task is to write texts on these points:
1. Intern advertisement for people to join your group on an unpaid basis. (100)
For recruiting interns to help in the event you need to write an advertisement. The message delivered in the advertisement should be persuasive. So even though the interns helping in the event will not get paid in the message in the advertisement you should construct it in the way that there are some benefits the interns can still get from volunteering in this event.
2. Profiles of key personnel. (Driving instructor 50 words)
3. Statement of purpose (100 words)
4. A frequently asked questions FAQ section (100 words)
5. An explanation of how you can help (100 words)
How you can help means how the audience or whoever read the information on the website knows what they can contribute in the event you are funded by the council. That means you hope to encourage more participation from the public on the event/cause you are working now.




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