Nursing care Assessment and person-centered care

– Vital signs
– Head to toe nursing assessment and nursing care intervention, (person- centered care ) and risk assessment.
– Write the Definition of person-centered care and apply them in essay .
1-Because of constipation, , why he is being constipated? Fluid chart need to be mentioned , holism intervention and give the ( rationale) for each intervention
2- Nursing Care intervention + plan care + Person-centred care of mobility in two part body + mind
2- Nursing care intervention + plan care + Person-centred care of Nutrition and fluid
3- Nursing care intervention + plan care + Person-centred care of safety
4- Nursing care intervention + plan care + Person-centred care of hygiene
5- Nursing care intervention + plan care + Person-centred care of social interaction
6- Nursing care intervention + plan care + Person-centred care of skin integrity
7- Regular and monitor constant check + plan care + Person-centred care for blood pressure
8-We need to know about the breathing and check his respiration and + plan care + Person-centred care
9- Social interaction with others

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