
Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph  with no more  100 words.Amanda Pendry1 postsRe:Topic 5 DQ 1Research methods such as qualitative and quantitative are the tools that researchers use while they investigate their topics or study (Almalki, 2016). According to Walliman (2011) it is the researcher’s responsibility to pick the appropriate tool for their study. There are three methods that connects research information-qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method.There are advantages and disadvantages to using both qualitative and quantitative studies together. The advantages are it gives the study more depth, validity, and understanding. This also allows researchers to compensate for unexpected methods weaknesses and strengths and offset biases (Greene, 2007). However, combining the two methods into a mixed method can be very time consuming for the researcher and participates. Secondly, deciding on the mixed method that would work best for their study can be confusing. These mixed methods could be triangulation design, embedded design, explanatory design and explanation design. Even though it can be daunting, mixed method research can provide positive benefits and allow and offer the researcher an opportunity for a more realistic link between methods and a stronger understanding of the study being investigated (Almalki, 2016).

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