Please Do A Comment Base In These . Write At Least 130 Words. Academic References Need. Write The References.In Each Comment Please Not Together. References Less Than 5 Years. Please Read Carefully The Comments

Comment 1

Health care reforms is one of the biggest issue of concern the community health (Porter, 2013). With the complexity of illnesses, growing cost of health care, and aging population, the government need a new approach to delivery of health care system. There is still a large population that are uninsured. There is mounting recognition that our health system is significantly influenced by environmental factors, social determinants, and socio-economic status (Porter, 2013). The health care system must change to improve our health system and make significant efforts to address the unsustainable growth of health care costs in United States. There is a lot to be done before our health system become effective. We still have individuals without insurance cover, have challenges accessing their health care, or their needs are not realized within the healthcare system.

Having said that, it is clear that there is a big gap between the quality of health care the United States health care system is capable of maintaining and the quality of care it currently brings. The money left over or accrued from having a more cost-effective healthcare system to treat chronic diseases could be channeled into other sectors with focus on health promotion and other activities giving a higher return on investment in enhancing population health (Weinstein & Skinner, 2014). Consequently, there is growing interest in both better management of those with existing chronic illness and in the primary prevention of chronic diseases. The pressure to provide affordable care is particularly intense in the United States, in attempts to address serious cost and quality issues and expand health insurance coverage. Efforts in the 1970’s with HMO’s mainly to reduce costs terribly failed. Consequently, healthcare providers in the United States remain largely fragmented, the majority of doctors still practice alone or in small partnerships are paid largely on a fee-for-service basis. Thus, the health care system in United States is poorly designed to treat chronic diseases.

The key reasons why we need health care reform include stopping discriminatory health insurance industry practices, requiring more transparency and accountability, and eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse. It will also stop insurance companies from charging people more because of these conditions and prevent them from dropping your coverage when you get sick. An increase in chronic diseases, rising costs, a growing aging population and the above stated issues is the reason why U.S. need to implement health care reform.

Comment 2

Health care reforms has become one of the most pertinent issues among the voters. The population is aging and this comes with the complexity of illness and a growing healthcare cost. The government therefore needs to come up with new ways of delivering healthcare services to the population.A large population of Americans are still uninsured and they continue to shoulder the increasing costs of insurance premiums and healthcare services According to Per Cunningham (2010).This percentage of people with financial burden has increased from 14.4% to 19.1% from the years 2001 to 2006. This burdens many factions of the society including the government whose burden is strained by Medicaid and Medicare (Craig, 2014).

In order to improve the health of the country, it is imperative that the health care system is improved. One of the ways to improve healthcare is to address the growing costs and to empower more people on the need for medical insurance. The main reasons for reform in the healthcare system include the need to halt discriminatory health practices, the need to eliminate abuse and waste and the need to help people purchase of insurance in order for them to be able to access healthcare in an easier way (Shortell, 2010). The health reform will create an exchange for health insurance thereby assisting individuals and families to access healthcare services without having to dig deep into their pockets. Health reform also provides a new and innovative way of providing better coordinated and higher quality care and especially so for people suffering from chronic ailments.

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