Practicum Experience Plan (PEP)

To PrepareReview your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted last week and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the Practicum help you achieve these aims?Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s Learning Resources.  Your practicum learning objectives that you want to achieve during your Practicum experience must be:SpecificMeasurableAttainableResults-focusedTime-boundReflective of the higher-order domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., application level and above)Note: Please make sure your objectives are outlined in your Practicum Experience Plan (PEP).Discuss your professional aims and your proposed practicum objectives with your Preceptor to ascertain if the necessary resources are available at your practicum site.AssignmentRecord the required information in each area of the Practicum Experience Plan template, including three to four (3–4) practicum learning objectives you will use to facilitate your learning during the practicum experience.Use the clinical assessment form you did last week.

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