prepare an outline of the major topics that will be used in research paper

Writing the Outline

For this assignment, you are to prepare an outline of the major topics that you want to include in your project paper.

  1. Gather your preliminary research. Look at your sources and categorize information according to topics related to your thesis.
  2. Organize the topics into the most logical order for presenting information and make each category I,II,III, etc., in the outline.
  3. Write at least 50 words under each category, summarizing the major findings from the literature.
  4. Come up with at least three major arguments and/or points for your major headings. Label those A,B,C, etc.
  5. Write at least 50 words describing the basis for each of your points and the sources that will support this.

Your outline should look like this:

I. Introduction – write 50 words

II. Main Argument 1 – write 50 words

A. Topic 1.1 – write 50 words

B. Topic 1.2 – write 50 words

C. Topic 1.3 – write 50 words

III. Main Argument 2 – write 50 words

A. Topic 2.1 – write 50 words

B. Topic 2.2 – write 50 words

C. Topic 2.3 – write 50 words

IV. Main Argument 3 – write 50 words

A. Topic 3.1 – write 50 words

B. Topic 3.2 – write 50 words

C. Topic 3.3 – write 50 words

V. Conclusion – Write 50 words


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