Principles of Management

MO6 Legal/Ethical Challenge assignment

Due: Apr 11 at 11:59pm

Calendar 02C-Spring 2018-Principles of Management


Read the Chapter 6 Legal/Ethical Challenge “Should Companies Be Pressured to Recruit Females for Boards of Directors?” on p. 198-199.

Answer the question, “Where do you stand on this issue?” using the options included at the end of the assignment, in a 2-3 page essay (excluding cover page, attachments, etc.), double-spaced, using 12-point font and 1-inch margins.

Keep in mind that, while there are no “absolutely correct” answers for these questions, this is not an opportunity for opinion alone. Grading will reflect your reasoning and critical thinking skills, your ability to integrate what you have assimilated from material presented in the textbook and other learning materials, the clarity of your response and its appearanc


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