professional assignment 4

Review : Team Concepts on page 341

Answer :

1. What team characteristics (or lack of) do you think could “sink” a boat of very talented individuals?

2. Being as specific as possible, what factors might account for how the 2001-2002 Army Crew Team JV boat–consisting of the bottom eight rowers on the team–frequently beat the Varsity boat?

3. Would you allocate rowers to the boats in the same way that Coach Preczewski did? What other options exist?

4. Can you think of other examples where the best group of individuals has lower performance as a team than do less talented teams?

5. Herb Brooks, head coach of the famous American Olympic hockey team that defied extraordinary odds and won the Olympic Gold Medal against a far superior team from the Soviet Union, once commented that the reason that his team won was because he “did not have the 20 best guys, but the 20 right guys.” Explain.

6. What variables are the most important to team success? Be as specific as possible.

Document your citations throughout the text of your paper; your paper must include an introduction and a clear thesis, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Top papers demonstrate a solid understanding of the material AND critical thinking.

book for reference:

Managing Organizational Behavior: What Great Managers Know and Do Baldwin, Baumer, & Rubin (2013) 2nd ed,. ;McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-0073530406

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