Read from Aronson, Wilson, and Akert, Social Psychology, (8th edition)

Read from Aronson, Wilson, and Akert, Social Psychology, (8th edition)
o Chapter 8: Conformity: Influencing Behavior
o Chapter 9: Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups
Discussion 1
• Read from Aronson, Wilson, and Akert, Social Psychology, (8th edition)
o Chapter 8: Conformity: Influencing Behavior
Jury members can be affected by their own biases. Review the information you have read and think about preventive steps.
• Read the following article:

o Vrij, A., Pannell, H., & Ost, J. (2005). The influence of social pressure and black clothing on crime judgments. Psychology, Crime, and Law, 11, 265-274.
• In the study, are there any other explanations that were not mentioned in the article to explain the effect of dark clothing?
• Would the results of this study apply to real-world jury deliberation? If so, would you recommend any changes to the legal system? Support your answer.
(Minimal 125 words)
Discussion 2
• Read from Aronson, Wilson, and Akert, Social Psychology, (8th edition)
o Chapter 9: Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups
Conflicts can be resolved with effective interpersonal bargaining. Review the information you have read and think about different techniques to resolve conflicts.
• Read the following article:

o Deutsch, M. and Krauss, R. (1960) The Effect of Threat Upon Interpersonal Bargaining, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. 61(2), 181-189.
• After reading the study, apply its findings to real-world negotiations. Can this study provide suggestions for how to deal with conflict between different nations?
• If so, make some suggestions based on the study’s findings, and Chapter 9 of the textbook. If not, why does this study not apply to conflict between nations?
(Minimal 125 words)

Discussion 3
• Read from Aronson, Wilson, and Akert, Social Psychology, (8th edition)
o Chapter 8: Conformity: Influencing Behavior
o Chapter 9: Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups
Being part of a group has its advantages and disadvantages. Review the information you have read and think about your personal experiences.
Social facilitation and social loafing are two contradictory outcomes to being part of a group. Describe a personal experience in which you experienced either social facilitation or social loafing. What factors caused your experience to be one of facilitation (or loafing)?
(Minimal 125 words)

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