Relate selected global efforts in information system

It’s time to assess your proficiency on the first Course Learning Objective #1: Relate selected global efforts in information system

Read the rubic:



Excels in responding to assignment. Interesting, demonstrates sophistication of thought. Central idea/thesis is clearly communicated, worth developing; limited enough to be manageable. Paper recognizes some complexity of its thesis: may acknowledge its contradictions, qualifications, or limits and follow out their logical implications. Understands and critically evaluates its sources, appropriately limits and defines terms.

Uses a logical structure appropriate to paper’s subject, purpose, audience, thesis, and disciplinary field. Sophisticated transitional sentences often develop one idea from the previous one or identify their logical relations. It guides the reader through the chain of reasoning or progression of ideas. Uses evidence appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient evidence and explanation to convince. APA style is used throughout and in the correct manner.

Write a 3-5 page research paper exploring 3-5 topics regarding global efforts in the information systems industry.

The paper needs to clearly identify the global topics, how it’s being used in global firms and what affect the topic has on the information systems industry.

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