Relationship to professional certification

compare the pros and cons of continuing nursing education related to the following: Relationship to professional certification

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1. As a nurse, ethics and ethical decision making is an essential part of your nursing skill set. What does ethical decision making mean to you?

2. As a nurse, it is important to develop a personal nursing philosophy statement, an explanation of what nursing is to you and how it guides your nursing practice. Discuss your personal nursing statement

3. As a nurse, often conflict can occur in both your work and home life. Describe an event in which there was a conflict and the methods you need to resolve this conflict.

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Define culturally competent nursing care. Support the definition with a professional literature citation.Identify four (4) guidelines the registered professional nurse may use to enhance the ability to provide culturally competent nursing care. Provide one example the culturally competent nurse applies to each of the four (4) selected guidelines. At least one example must address care of patient(s) not occurring in an acute care hospital.
Describe how the registered professional nurse evaluates if the patient’s cultural needs have been met?Describe whether cultural practices must be accommodated in all aspects of health care?

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