Response post (50 words or more)

Respond to post answering these questions.
  1. Respond to your classmates selection of the three most important components of a high quality program.
  2. Do you agree those components are the most important? if not explain why and state which component you feel is more important than the one you are challenging. 

    Three components of a high quality program I feel are most important are low teacher-child ratio, health services, and toys and educational activities. There are other components that are very important if I were to consider placing my child in one of these programs, but these are some that I would look for first. A low teacher-child ratio is so important because this way it is easier for the supervising adult to meet the needs of each child and always keep a watchful eye on the small group. With a small group, there is greater  individualized attention. If a teacher is in charge of 10+ kids on their own, many dangers can pursue because the teacher cannot look after each of them properly. Something like 18 children maximum with two teachers sounds reasonable and safe. Health services is another major component  of a high quality program because it ensures the health and safety of the student; if a child is hurt, there is immediate attention. If there is poor health service, it puts the child’s health at risk. Also, having emergency response plans, offering daily health checks and nutrition and health education, written policies and procedures, maintaining health and safety records, etc make a great impact on the quality of the program. Another very important component is the educational activities and toys the program offers. It’s important because the parents must check if the activities are developmentally appropriate and help them acquire new developmental skills like social and behavioral wise. Also that there are sufficient toys and activities are available and that children have directed lessons/activities but also independent time and that they are not only left to wander. If one of these components were to be removed, it would affect the quality of the program tremendously. If there was a high teacher-child ratio in a program, it would throw the whole program way off balance because there wouldn’t be sufficient staff for the amount of children there is. The children are prone to little or no individualized attention and cannot be watched in case of emergencies or an injury while still ensuring the safety of the rest of the children.

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