Ross-Adjie, G.M., Occupational stress in the ED: what matters to nurses? Australasian emergency nursing journal, 2007. 10(3): p. 117-123.

Ross-Adjie, G.M., Occupational stress in the ED: what matters to nurses? Australasian emergency nursing journal, 2007. 10(3): p. 117-123.
Articles to be used for review:

Ross-Adjie, G.M., Occupational stress in the ED: what matters to nurses? Australasian emergency nursing journal, 2007. 10(3): p. 117-123.

Theophilos, T., et al., Debriefing critical incidents in the paediatric emergency department: current practice and perceived needs in Australia and New Zealand. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 2009. 21(6): p. 479-83.

Magyar, J. and T. Theophilos, Review article: Debriefing critical incidents in the emergency department. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 2010. 22(6): p. 499-506.

Adeb-Saeedi, J. Stress amongst Emergency Nurses.Australian Emergency Nursing Journal, 2002. 5 (2): p:19-24.

Tuckey, M.R., Issues in the debriefing debate for the emergency services: Moving research outcomes forward. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 2007. 14(2): p. 106-116.

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