rovide an example of a company using the BPMS (probably a reference company). How is it used and what benefits are described by the company?
The purpose of the BPM Tool Paper Assignment is to analyze a Business Process Managementsoftware product. Do this as if you are a consultant making a product selection recommendation.The detailed analysis report your team submits and presents should address as many of the followingareas as possible using information you locate through your teamâs research:1. Brief history of the company and BPMS tools: Address components developed by companyand those acquired. Also research the size and other information about the customer base(e.g. press releases of users, customer geographic distribution and industries)2. Provide an example of a company using the BPMS (probably a reference company). How is it used and what benefits are described by the company?3. Write an overview of the entire product set. Is the tool Open Source or proprietary (bycomponent)?4. Are prepackaged solutions (templates) available? What types and what scope?5. Information about the process modeling module: e.g. BPMN support (complete or partial?),import capabilities, export to runtime environment,6. Does the tool have simulation and testing features? Describe how they work.7. Information about the runtime process management environment: Does it use BPEL? Whatapplications does the vendor advertise support for?8. Does the BPMS provide support for process monitoring, analytics and reporting? How dothese work?9. What is its level of support for decision rules? Does it have a rules engine?10. How does the product support business process change? Does it specifically address in-flightwork items?11. How do the components of the toolset address collaboration with users and their participationin the design and operation of the business processes (e.g. model changes, rule changes, user/role changes)?12. Based on the above analysis, what are your conclusions regarding the strengths andweaknesses of the product?
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