Running head: sea levels rising 1

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Running head: sea levels rising 1

sea levels rising 9

Sea Levels Rising as an Effect of Global Warming

Dashaun Jackson

Saint Leo University


The purpose of this informative research paper is to provide knowledge and statistics on sea levels rising and affecting coastal habitats. Whether inhabited by humans or animals, the disappearance of land based on the rising of the levels in our oceans is a massive issue amongst the planet. Cities like Miami, Florida have already begun to adjust to sea levels rising and have formatted the heights of their streets to be able to avoid the unfortunate change our planet is suffering. Although the audience may not be fully convinced of what may be the cause of sea levels rising, my purpose for this research paper is to persuade each and every reader that global warming is the reason. Throughout this paper, multiple examples and occurrences will be bought to light in order to bring about the understanding that global warming is in fact, the cause of such.

Sea Levels Rising as an Effect of Global Warming

When discussing global warming, the thought of the earth warming more than it should is more than common. As a result of the global warming, ice caps and whatnot have been melting and causing sea levels to rise. According to Live Science, global sea levels have risen about eight inches since 1870 and is expected to increase rapidly in the upcoming years. Unfortunately, if these trends continue to occur, any islands and coastal habitats, will be destroyed. With sea levels rising, it is extremely important for society, considering that more than half the population lives in coastal areas, to understand that their lives at stake. As I begin my research paper, I hope to bring knowledge to my audience on not only the sea levels rising but global warming itself. Other than reviewing (insert name of the textbook), I’ve decided to take to the internet to gain more information on the topic of sea levels rising. Fortunately, multiple resources were available along with copious amounts of facts and data to prove any points bought forth. Additionally, the list administered to us containing different sources of information was put to good use in order to give factual evidence. To be able to supply an ample amount of factual evidence, research is desperately needed to gain the trust of the audience of my paper. Websites like the Mother Nature Network, National Ocean Service, National Geographic, and plenty others assisted me in creating this research paper to present to you. The purpose of this research paper is to convince the readers that sea levels rising is indeed, an issue worth mentioning on every news headline. With my research and information given, the viewpoints of my audience should lean toward taking my topic seriously. Whether it be citizens having to relocate from the comforts of their coastal homes or the massive adjustments the world will have to make in order to survive such change, sea levels rising is a monumental transformation our planet is slowly beginning to suffer from. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Input name of the global warming textbook. Make sure you cite correctly as well.

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