Some scholars argue that postwar Japan and Korea followed the same basic developmental model
Take a stance on whether you agree or disagree with the quote below. However, you must show that you understand BOTH sides of the question. For the single-spaced, one-page extended outline, you will also need to cover both sides of the debate in roughly equal form. But because you are limited in space, you need to focus on the most crucial information and analysis. Consider leading off with a summary statement of one position, followed by the main substantive arguments to support that position. You should consider using “bullets” or short headings combined with prose. You should then do the same (summary statement, bullets and prose) for the other side of the debate. You should include a short, integrative conclusion. There is a lot of information to cram in, so you must economize on space. Make sure the outline is organized and that the information is presented in a clear and logical manner. “Some scholars argue that postwar Japan and Korea followed the same basic developmental model. But these similarities were only on the surface. Rather, their domestic political and economic situations were very different, and their external circumstances were dissimilar as well. More importantly, the strategies and policies they followed were not at all similar. It is simply intellectual laziness to treat them as following the same model of development.” Rubric for grading essay I. Substance and presentation — covers both sides, in a balanced manner; stays focused on the parameters of the debate — covers all core points, with proper emphasis on the most important arguments — presents materials in an organized manner (demonstrating understanding of the argument) II. Strength of Analysis — grapples with arguments on both sides, assesses validity of assumptions and evidence — presents strong, thoughtful, deep, and insightful analysis (as opposed to mere description) — has a clear and analytically supported argument/conclusion III. Effort — shows evidence of having really thought about the question — incorporates insights from the readings
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