Student response 1
Today’s primary tenet of theories is that leaders must be rooted in a system of ethics or fundamental principles that direct human behavior. There is no meaningful leadership, no matter how smart the plan or effective the activities if they do not carry the trust or best interests of those they represent (Marshall & Broome, 2020). Strong leadership is necessary to effectively lead and guide its staff in the demanding and all-encompassing field of nursing.These qualities include being a good role model, encouraging staff, being honest and ethical, being dedicated to the field, and having strong communication skills (Lu et al., 2020). Out of these qualities, being a good role model and having excellent communication were the two that stuck out to me the most. No matter what work you are in, but especially in nursing, having a positive role model is crucial. An individual can be motivated to achieve better, be better, and aspire higher by a positive role model. Additionally, good communication is essential in all relationships. Clear expectations and goals can be defined through communication between managers and staff, which also helps resolve trust issues. It is also crucial to communicate with your leadership and share any worries or ideas you may have.My traveling assignments as RN frequently change my duty status; I have held several positions in my nursing career in many different settings. I’ve had the chance to work with various leaders and observe what functions well and what doesn’t. In my nursing career, one Leader stood out to me and served as a good example. The most influential employer I’ve ever had is Michele, the director of nursing at a private surgery center in Honolulu, Hawaii. I observed her skillfully handling various tasks, including taking calls, prepping patients, breaking a surgical tech in the operating room, and wheeling patients to their automobiles after being discharged. She would set an excellent example and work hard every day to demonstrate the value of teamwork. Authority and power in leadership are frequently conflated. The ability to persuade others to complete a task or achieve a goal, whether official or informal, defines leadership (Marshall & Broome, 2020). The surgery center’s mission was to provide patients with a practical and satisfying surgical experience outside of a hospital environment. We could make this possible for the patient if we all worked together and stepped up when necessary. Employee proactivity is correlated favorably with transformational leadership conduct, which is considered essential for proactivity (Schmitt et al., 2016). As her employees, we were motivated to work hard and assist when required by witnessing Michele do so. Her communication was yet another leadership trait that positively affected the workplace. Michele was always frank and upfront about her expectations for the staff and the surgery center. This ensured that we were always clear on what she expected of us.References:Lu, Q., Liu, Y., & Huang, X. (2020). Follower dependence, independence, or interdependence: A Multi-foci framework to unpack the mystery of transformational leadership effects. InternationalJournal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12)., M., & Marshall, E. S. (2020). Transformational Leadership in Nursing: From Expert Clinician toInfluential Leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.Schmitt, A., Den Hartog, D. N., & Belschak, F. D. (2016). Transformational leadership and proactive workbehavior: A moderated mediation model including work engagement and job strain. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 89(3), 588–610.