students choose an issue for program improvement to analyze in a school collaboration project and examine the contextual factors which influence school policy

School Collaboration Project

Students choose an issue for program improvement to analyze in a school collaboration project and examine the contextual factors which influence school policy.

Course Objectives

  • Review and analyze educational literature pertaining to current trends in early childhood education.
  • Collaborate with other school professionals regarding a policy issue.
  • Lead the teaching profession by identifying elements for specific program change and using data to support the need.
  • Work with families and significant adults in the lives of students for program change.
  • Directions:

    1) Save and print the Module 2 Application.

    2) Write a 3- to 5-page paper using APA (6th edition) format. Add title and references pages.

    a. Choose a topic from the NAEYC list:

    b. Identify one specific issue for program improvement related to your selected topic.

    c. Provide a brief overview of the topic using references to support it.

    d. Use Urie Brofenbrenner’s ecological theory or Joyce Epstein’s theoretical model to explain how your topic impacts the child, the home, and the community and society.

    i. For more information on Urie Brofenbrenner’s ecological model: Hong, J. & Eamon, M. (2012). Students’ perceptions of unsafe schools: An ecological systems analysis. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 21(3), 428-438.

    ii. For more information on Joyce Epstein’s theoretical model: Van Voorhis, F. L., Maier, M. F., Epstein, J. L., & Lloyd, C. M. (2013). Executive summary. In The impact of family involvement on the education of children ages 3 to 8: A focus on literacy and math achievement outcomes and social-emotional skills (pp. E1-E6).

    e. Explain why you believe there is need for a program change regarding this issue at your school.

    f. Collaborate with other program professionals at your school to formulate solutions for program improvement, and list their roles. Discuss the results of your conversations.

    g. List the resources and/or types of data you need to gather and steps that you will need to take put the program improvement solutions into practice.

    h. Use five references in APA (6th edition) format to support your paper.

    3) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.

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