Summarize 3 examples of how value chain helps companies become more competitive. You are presenting these to the administrative team from the production department.  

examples to reinforce your ideas.

The line managers in the production department have heard a lot of good things about value chain management. They heard that you have done considerable research on this topic. They have come to your office today to discuss value chain management with you.

Complete the following:

•Summarize 3 examples of how value chain helps companies become more competitive. You are presenting these to the administrative team from the production department.

•Discuss how value chain management helps companies create and build value for their clients and partnering organizations by answering the following questions:

◦How do you believe value chain management works?

◦How do you think value chain management can help companies be more competitive?

◦How do you think value chain management helps companies create and build value?

Be sure to include your references, and format your submission in APA format.

Part 2

The following video will help you prepare a bit for what is to come.  Watch this video explaining operations management.


•Discuss 2 items that caught your attention in the video. Write 100 words on Part II

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