

For this week’s discussion, please share your thoughts on teamwork in health care. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Why is teamwork important in the health care industry? Share a personal experience where you were involved in the formation of a team and the role that you played in the development of that team.
  • Find a resource online describing the difference between a group and a team. Share the resource and explain why the difference is important.
  • How can you work to increase collaboration among members of a diverse team? What are some strategies to encourage collaboration?
  • Team leaders can make a significant difference in how a team performs in a virtual environment. What communication strategies would you recommend, and which skills would you develop as a team leader to ensure your virtual team is successful?

Response Guidelines

Respond to the posts of at least two of your fellow learners and continue the conversation. Some ways you could do that include sharing why you agree or disagree with their post, how their thoughts relate to your personal experience or work experience, or how they helped answer a question you had.

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