The client will share a current situation that they are experiencing in their professional life that they are concerned about. It can either be performance related or it could be related to a personal conflict they are experiencing.

Posted: A Month AgoDue: 18/03/2018Budget: $30
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PLEASE WRITE PREPARE TWO BUSINESS MEMOS ACCORDING INSTRUCTIONS AND ATTACHED RUBRICS: one will be from coaches point of view, the other memo will be from client’s point of view. thank you

Decide who will be the coach and who will be the client. This will change each week and allow you to practice with the skills and techniques you read about.

The client will share a current situation that they are experiencing in their professional life that they are concerned about. It can either be performance related or it could be related to a personal conflict they are experiencing.

The coach will practice active listening skills and come up with follow up questions that will help them better understand the client’s situation.

The coach will then offer a few suggestions on how to deal with the situation.

Both the client and the coach will discuss the suggestions and together come up with an action plan on how to address these concerns.

After the meeting, each member of the team will write a 1–2 page summary of the meeting in memo format. The memo will summarize the meeting from the role you chose to play (coach summarizes from the coach’s view, client summarizes from the client’s view).


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