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This assignment about Saudi Arabia
– Follow instructions in the attached file carefully
– Avoid Plagiarism
– 5 pages not including the cover page and the references.
– follow APA style.
– provide in text citation and at least 7 updated articles after 2013.
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Future Trends in KSA Healthcare in Contrast with Global Health Efforts

Review the Vision 2030 website and create a paper that summarizes the vision, governance, themes, programs, and how these changes will support the improved healthcare of Saudi Arabian citizens. Then answer these questions in the concluding slides of the presentation:

· What is the future of healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

· What are the non-pharmaceutical methods that the Ministry of Health could use to prevent the spread of disease?

· What steps has the Ministry of Health taken to prepare for pandemic events?

· How is information accessed and exchanged regarding disease outbreaks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

· How does the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia suffer from non-communicable diseases that is the highest cause of mortality?

· What is the risk of a re-emergence of infectious disease outbreaks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Research a minimum of seven new articles (not later than 2013) that help support your statements. Please use the following headings with minimum of 100 words in each part:

· Introduction

· Vision 2030

· Governance

· Themes

· Programs

· The Future of Healthcare in KSA

· Disease Prevention

· Pandemic Preparation

· Disease Outbreaks

· Non-Communicable Diseases

· Re-emergence of Infectious Disease

· Conclusions

· References

· Please use bullets because I will prepare this as a PowerPoint presentation.

· Avoid plagiarism

· Use in-text citation

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