The difference between a standard and an objective is a standard is an developmental milestones that student should understand or know before they reach the next standard.

The difference between a standard and an objective is a standard is an developmental milestones that student should understand or know before they reach the next standard. An objective is part of a unit to a standard or a part of a standard. An objective is the subject or topic you want to the students to learn to reach the standards. For example, a common core standard for kindergarten math is counting to 100 that is the standard, the objective of this will to first have the student count to ten and add objectives until the reach 100 rather you have them count by 1’s or 10’s. Formative Assessment ties into objective and is naturally the evaluation potion of the lesson plan which is to see what the students learned from the lesson. The formative assessment give the teacher an idea if the students learned the objectives. The objectives make the standards so like I explained early with counting to 100 the first objective may be to have the student count to 10, then after that have them count to 20 and so on. Then you may have the students count by 10 to 100 and so on until the reach the standard of counting to 100. I picked kindergarten standard of learning the shapes The first learning objective is for the students to find all the circles in the room. Then I would encourage the students to try to draw circles The second learning objective is for the students to find squares in the classroom. Then I will encourage the students to name square objects in their house and environment.




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