the focus of this paper will be socrates argument in plato s apology 2

I attached a file that has all the specific requirements for the paper

but here is also something to help with the paper:


The most important thing in writing this particular term paper is to follow the outline. This outline is extremely important as it is often the case that the difference between an A and a B is when a student doesn’t follow or complete the outline.


This was presented in the term paper prompt but here it is again.

  • Introduction.
  • The argument in Standard Form.
  • Explanation of Argument.
  • The counter-argument using the method of counter-argument.
  • Statement of a problem with your counter-argument.
  • Conclusion.
  • Works Cited Page.


The introduction is meant to introduce the topic of the paper and as such, it is typically a good idea to write the introduction after the rest of the paper has been written. The general idea is that you, as a writer, don’t know what you are introducing until you have written the paper.

You should still have a thesis statement although you may change the phrasing of the statement as you write the paper, or after you have finished. The thesis for this paper should probably be something like this. “This paper will discuss Socrates’ argument about whether death is a good as presented in Plato’s “Apology.”

Please note that you should have Plato’s “Apology” as one of your references.


Now that you have the argument approved by me, you are free to write the paper. Make sure you put the argument in standard form in the paper itself. The reason why the argument should be in the paper in standard form is to show that you know what the argument actually is, and to lay it out so that the reader can readily see the argument.


The argument should be explained in this section. As such you should use your own thoughts on the argument as well as the words of the explanation in the reading itself. Plato presents reasons why he thinks his argument is true and he explains those reasons. You should use them as paraphrases and as quotes. But you should not just use his thought. Use your thoughts and ideas too.


This section is where you criticize the argument. Remember to use the method of counter-argument to criticize the argument. As an example, remember that there are two types of premises in the dilemma. There is one either or statement and two if-then statements. Pick one or more of the premises and criticize the argument using the method to attack that argument type.

For example, the first premise says “Either death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or death is a migration of the soul from this world to another.”

You will notice that this says that there are only two options. Is that really true? It seems that there might be another option. The either-or statement says that there are no more options and if you can find one then the premise is questionable.

For an example concerning an if-then statement, let’s look at the premise two. Plato says, “If death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, then it is a good.”

First, why would someone think that death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness? So, by using the method of counter-argument you should give a reason why this first part would be true.

Then give a reason why the second part would be false. Is it true that death is a good if you will cease to exist? Sounds ok, but I am sure you can think of a reason why it might be bad.


This section is where you will criticize your criticism. One way to do this is to pretend that you are Plato or Socrates and you are responding to the original criticism. You should still write the paper as if it is you writing the paper.


Here is the section of the paper where you conclude the paper. It has been my experience that conclusions just come to me when I have been thinking about the topic for a while, but you may have a different experience. For more help see the following link.

Writing a conclusion (Links to an external site.)


Here is where you put all your references. They should be in alphabetical order with the words “Works Cited” at the top of the page. Make sure you state a new page for the works cited page. Here is a link that shows what it should look like. Works Cited (Links to an external site.)

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