The LC system divides, English homework help
1 Answer
The LC system divides books into categories, each represented by a
a. category number.
b. letter or letters.
2 Answer:
You can locate a book in a card or electronic catalog by
a. the title, author, or subject.
b. knowing its Dewey decimal or LC classification.
3 Answer:
Rare or oversized books are identified in a card catalog by
a. letters or words above the call number.
b. cross-references.
4 Answer:
Different books of fiction by the same author are organized on a
library’s shelves
a. numerically by call number.
b. alphabetically by title.
5 Answer:
A book’s classification number is found
a. on its cards in the card catalog and on the book’s spine.
b. in the index to books in the library.
6 Answer:
If you wanted to see illustrations showing the extent of the ozone
hole in the Antarctic, in which journal from the Readers’ Guide to
Periodical Literature on Ozone would you look?
Air-traffic emissions. R.A. Egli. bibl f il Environment 33:2-5 n ’91
Antarctic ozone hole hits record depth. il Science 254:373 O 18 ’91
Emergency repair for the ozone hole? research by Ralph J. Cicerone] R.
Monastersky. Science News 140:324 N 23 ’91
NASA expedition seeks answer to ozone decline [Airborne Arctic
Stratospheric expedition 2] B.W. Henderson. il Aviation Week & Space
Technology 135:73 N 11 ’91
Orbiting sensors study threat to ozone layer [Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite] R. Monastersky. il Science News 140:181 S 21 ’91
The price of ozone erosion. Science News 140:380 D 7 ’91
A priest’s ozone legacy [F. Denza’s 19th century records] Science
News 140:237 O 12 ’91
a. Science News, October 12, 1991 c. Science, October 18, 1991
b. Environment, November 1991 d. Newsweek, December 9, 1991
7 Answer:
On what page will you find F. Denza’s 19th century records?
Air-traffic emissions. R.A. Egli. bibl f il Environment 33:2-5 n ’91
Antarctic ozone hole hits record depth. il Science 254:373 O 18 ’91
Emergency repair for the ozone hole? research by Ralph J. Cicerone] R.
Monastersky. Science News 140:324 N 23 ’91
NASA expedition seeks answer to ozone decline [Airborne Arctic
Stratospheric expedition 2] B.W. Henderson. il Aviation Week & Space
Technology 135:73 N 11 ’91
Orbiting sensors study threat to ozone layer [Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite] R. Monastersky. il Science News 140:181 S 21 ’91
The price of ozone erosion. Science News 140:380 D 7 ’91
A priest’s ozone legacy [F. Denza’s 19th century records] Science
News 140:237 O 12 ’91
a. 135 c. 140
b. 237 d. 273
8 Answer:
Which article cited includes a bibliography?
Air-traffic emissions. R.A. Egli. bibl f il Environment 33:2-5 n ’91
Antarctic ozone hole hits record depth. il Science 254:373 O 18 ’91
Emergency repair for the ozone hole? research by Ralph J. Cicerone] R.
Monastersky. Science News 140:324 N 23 ’91
NASA expedition seeks answer to ozone decline [Airborne Arctic
Stratospheric expedition 2] B.W. Henderson. il Aviation Week & Space
Technology 135:73 N 11 ’91
Orbiting sensors study threat to ozone layer [Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite] R. Monastersky. il Science News 140:181 S 21 ’91
The price of ozone erosion. Science News 140:380 D 7 ’91
A priest’s ozone legacy [F. Denza’s 19th century records] Science
News 140:237 O 12 ’91
a. Science 254:373 c. Science News 140:237
b. Aviation Week & Space Technology 135:73 d. Environment 33:2-5
9 Answer:
In which journal would you find an article about aircraft pollution?
Air-traffic emissions. R.A. Egli. bibl f il Environment 33:2-5 n ’91
Antarctic ozone hole hits record depth. il Science 254:373 O 18 ’91
Emergency repair for the ozone hole? research by Ralph J. Cicerone] R.
Monastersky. Science News 140:324 N 23 ’91
NASA expedition seeks answer to ozone decline [Airborne Arctic
Stratospheric expedition 2] B.W. Henderson. il Aviation Week & Space
Technology 135:73 N 11 ’91
Orbiting sensors study threat to ozone layer [Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite] R. Monastersky. il Science News 140:181 S 21 ’91
The price of ozone erosion. Science News 140:380 D 7 ’91
A priest’s ozone legacy [F. Denza’s 19th century records] Science
News 140:237 O 12 ’91
a. Environment
b. Science
c. Aviation Week & Space Technology
d. Science News
10 Answer:
Select the letter that identifies the index in which you might find
articles about the following topic:
methods used to put out the oil fires in Kuwait
a. Business Periodicals Index
b. General Science Index
c. Magazine Index
d. CBS News Index
11 Answer:
Select the letter that identifies the index in which you might find
articles about the following topic:
transcript of a televised interview with the president
a. Business Periodicals Index
b. General Science Index
c. Magazine Index
d. CBS News Index
12 Answer:
Select the letter that identifies the index in which you might find
articles about the following topic:
magazine biographies of rock stars
a. Business Periodicals Index
b. General Science Index
c. Magazine Index
d. CBS News Index
13 Answer:
Select the letter of the reference that could be used to answer the
following question:
What are the names of the main characters in The Scarlet Letter?
a. Oxford Companion to American Literature
b. Americana Annual
14 Answer:
Select the letter of the reference that could be used to answer the
following question:
What contributions to American culture were made by Edward Hopper, who
lived during the first half of the twentieth century?
a. The World Almanac and Book of Facts
b. Dictionary of American Biography
15 Answer:
Select the letter of the reference that could be used to answer the
following question:
Who governed Estonia from 1900 to 1940?
a. Encyclopaedia Britannica
b. Webster’s New Geographical Dictionary
16 Answer:
Select the letter of the reference that could be used to answer the
following question:
What offices, elected or appointed, were held by John Quincy Adams
before he became president?
a. Dictionary of American Biography
b. Who’s Who in America
Answer 17
Homographs are indicated in a dictionary entry by
a. brackets following the pronunciation of the entry word.
b. a small raised number before or after the entry word.
c. the label “see.”
18 Answer:
The entries in a thesaurus do not contain
a. word origins.
b. multiple synonyms.
c. colloquial usage.
19 Answer:
The etymology in a dictionary entry is important for people who
a. do not know the correct pronunciation of a word.
b. do not know the origin of a word.
c. do not understand slang or colloquial words.
20 Answer:
College dictionaries are abridged dictionaries that are
a. used only by college students.
b. suitable for most general users.
c. excellent sources for scholarly inquiries.
21 Answer:
The label “archaic” indicates that
a. there is more than one way to spell the word.
b. the word is part of a cliche.
c. a meaning is no longer in common usage.
22 Answer:
Select the letter of the specialized dictionary that you would
consult to answer the following question:
When did jazz become a popular form of music?
a. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
b. Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms
c. Dictionary of American Negro Biography
d. Dictionary of Music and Musicians
e. Dictionary of American History
f. The Dictionary of Historic Nicknames
23 Answer:
Select the letter of the specialized dictionary that you would
consult to answer the following question:
What were the major causes of the Civil War?
a. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
b. Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms
c. Dictionary of American Negro Biography
d. Dictionary of Music and Musicians
e. Dictionary of American History
f. The Dictionary of Historic Nicknames
24 Answer:
Select the letter of the specialized dictionary that you would
consult to answer the following question:
Who wrote that “to teach is to learn twice”?
a. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
b. Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms
c. Dictionary of American Negro Biography
d. Dictionary of Music and Musicians
e. Dictionary of American History
f. The Dictionary of Historic Nicknames
25 Answer:
Select the letter of the specialized dictionary that you would
consult to answer the following question:
What is another word for inefficient?
a. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
b. Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms
c. Dictionary of American Negro Biography
d. Dictionary of Music and Musicians
e. Dictionary of American History
f. The Dictionary of Historic Nicknames
26 Answer:
Select the letter of the specialized dictionary that you would
consult to answer the following question:
Which U.S. president was called Old Hickory?
a. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
b. Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms
c. Dictionary of American Negro Biography
d. Dictionary of Music and Musicians
e. Dictionary of American History
f. The Dictionary of Historic Nicknames
27 Answer:
Select the letter of the specialized dictionary that you would
consult to answer the following question:
Where did George Washington Carver receive his education?
a. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
b. Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms
c. Dictionary of American Negro Biography
d. Dictionary of Music and Musicians
e. Dictionary of American History
f. The Dictionary of Historic Nicknames
28 Answer:
Examine the following excerpt from Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate
Dictionary. Identify the synonym of ruminate that has a
ru�mi�nate ‘ru-me-nat vb -nat�ed; -nat�ing [Lat. ruminatus, pp.
of ruminari to chew the cud, muse upon, fr. rumin-, rumen gullet;
akin to Skt romantha ruminant] vt (1533) 1. to go over in the mind
repeatedly and often casually or slowly 2. to chew repeatedly for
an exteneded period –vi 1. to chew again what has been chewed
slightly and swallowed : chew the cud 2. : to engage in
contemplation : REFLECT
syn see PONDER–ru�mi�na�tion ru-me-‘nat-shen n–ru�mi�na�tive
‘ru-me-nat-iv adj–ru�mi�na�tive�ly
adv–ru�mi�na�tor -nat-er n
b. to chew repeatedly
c. 1 to muse
29 Answer:
Examine the following excerpt from Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate
Dictionary. What is the date of the first recorded use in the
English language of the word ruminate?
ru�mi�nate ‘ru-me-nat vb -nat�ed; -nat�ing [Lat. ruminatus, pp.
of ruminari to chew the cud, muse upon, fr. rumin-, rumen gullet;
akin to Skt romantha ruminant] vt (1533) 1. to go over in the mind
repeatedly and often casually or slowly 2. to chew repeatedly for
an exteneded period –vi 1. to chew again what has been chewed
slightly and swallowed : chew the cud 2. : to engage in
contemplation : REFLECT
syn see PONDER–ru�mi�na�tion ru-me-‘nat-shen n–ru�mi�na�tive
‘ru-me-nat-iv adj–ru�mi�na�tive�ly
adv–ru�mi�na�tor -nat-er n
a. 1679
b. 1533
c. 1702
30 Answer:
Examine the following excerpt from Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate
Dictionary. From which language did the word ruminate originate?
ru�mi�nate ‘ru-me-nat vb -nat�ed; -nat�ing [Lat. ruminatus, pp.
of ruminari to chew the cud, muse upon, fr. rumin-, rumen gullet;
akin to Skt romantha ruminant] vt (1533) 1. to go over in the mind
repeatedly and often casually or slowly 2. to chew repeatedly for
an exteneded period –vi 1. to chew again what has been chewed
slightly and swallowed : chew the cud 2. : to engage in
contemplation : REFLECT
syn see PONDER–ru�mi�na�tion ru-me-‘nat-shen n–ru�mi�na�tive
‘ru-me-nat-iv adj–ru�mi�na�tive�ly
adv–ru�mi�na�tor -nat-er n
a. Greek
b. Latin
c. Old English
31 Answer:
The syllable in ruminative that has primary stress is the _____?
ru�mi�nate ‘ru-me-nat vb -nat�ed; -nat�ing [Lat. ruminatus, pp.
of ruminari to chew the cud, muse upon, fr. rumin-, rumen gullet;
akin to Skt romantha ruminant] vt (1533) 1. to go over in the mind
repeatedly and often casually or slowly 2. to chew repeatedly for
an exteneded period –vi 1. to chew again what has been chewed
slightly and swallowed : chew the cud 2. : to engage in
contemplation : REFLECT
syn see PONDER–ru�mi�na�tion ru-me-‘nat-shen n–ru�mi�na�tive
‘ru-me-nat-iv adj–ru�mi�na�tive�ly
adv–ru�mi�na�tor -nat-er n
a. first.
b. second.
c. third.
32 Answer:
Examine the following entry from The New Roget’s Thesaurus of the
English Language in Dictionary Form. Which entry word has two
money clip, n. purse, porte-monnaie (F.), waller, billfold (CONTAINER).
moneyed, adj. well-to-do, well-off, flush (WEALTH).
moneygrubber, n. miser, huckster, mammonist (MONEY).
moneylender, n. money broker, moneymonger, pawnbroker, usurer (DEBT).
mongrel, adj. hybrid, mixed (CLASS).
mongrel, n. dog, mutt (colloq.), cur (ANIMAL); adj. crossbreed,
mixture, hybrid (CROSSING).
moniker (slang), n. designation, handle (slang), appellation (NAME).
a. moneyed
b. moneygrubber
c. mongrel
d. money clip
33 Answer:
Examine the following entry from The New Roget’s Thesaurus of the
English Language in Dictionary Form.
Which synonym for mongrel has a usage label?
money clip, n. purse, porte-monnaie (F.), waller, billfold (CONTAINER).
moneyed, adj. well-to-do, well-off, flush (WEALTH).
moneygrubber, n. miser, huckster, mammonist (MONEY).
moneylender, n. money broker, moneymonger, pawnbroker, usurer (DEBT).
mongrel, adj. hybrid, mixed (CLASS).
mongrel, n. dog, mutt (colloq.), cur (ANIMAL); adj. crossbreed,
mixture, hybrid (CROSSING).
moniker (slang), n. designation, handle (slang), appellation (NAME).
a. dog
b. mutt
c. cur
d. hybrid
34 Answer:
Examine the following entry from The New Roget’s Thesaurus of the
English Language in Dictionary Form.
Which entry lists a synonym in another language?
money clip, n. purse, porte-monnaie (F.), waller, billfold (CONTAINER).
moneyed, adj. well-to-do, well-off, flush (WEALTH).
moneygrubber, n. miser, huckster, mammonist (MONEY).
moneylender, n. money broker, moneymonger, pawnbroker, usurer (DEBT).
mongrel, adj. hybrid, mixed (CLASS).
mongrel, n. dog, mutt (colloq.), cur (ANIMAL); adj. crossbreed,
mixture, hybrid (CROSSING).
moniker (slang), n. designation, handle (slang), appellation (NAME).
a. money clip
b. moneyed
c. moneylender
d. moniker
35 Answer:
Examine the following entry from The New Roget’s Thesaurus of the
English Language in Dictionary Form.
Which term may function as two parts of speech?
money clip, n. purse, porte-monnaie (F.), waller, billfold (CONTAINER).
moneyed, adj. well-to-do, well-off, flush (WEALTH).
moneygrubber, n. miser, huckster, mammonist (MONEY).
moneylender, n. money broker, moneymonger, pawnbroker, usurer (DEBT).
mongrel, adj. hybrid, mixed (CLASS).
mongrel, n. dog, mutt (colloq.), cur (ANIMAL); adj. crossbreed,
mixture, hybrid (CROSSING).
moniker (slang), n. designation, handle (slang), appellation (NAME).
a. moneygrubber
b. moneylender
c. mongrel
d. moniker