This assignment has four parts. The task will challenge your critical thinking ability as you formulate the assignment.

W2 Assignment “Protected Class”


Protected Class

Write a 2-3+ page, double-spaced, paper addressing the following:

  • What type of employees are considered a protected class?
  • Compare and contrast the Affirmative Action law briefly  discussed in Chapter 12 on page 276, against two of the U.S. laws aimed  to prevent employment discrimination described in Figure 13.1, p. 296.
  • Review the article Belief in a Just World and Attitudes  Toward Affirmative Action and consider how the”Less well-understood  notion of the relationship between deservingness and attitudes toward  social provision to groups” (Wilkins & Wenger, 2014, p. 329) relates  to the Affirmative Action policy.


W3 Assignment “Comparing Views on Ethics”


Comparing Views on Ethics

This assignment has four parts. The task will challenge your critical thinking ability as you formulate the assignment.
Write a 3+ page, double-spaced, paper reacting to the following:

  • Describe the Utilitarian, Individualism, Moral-rights, and Commutative Justice views.
  • What are the drawbacks in each view?
  • Compare and contrast two sets of alternative views, illuminating the reasons for the distinctions.
  • Consider your most recent employer and determine what view is most useful to your company and why.
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