This course is designed to help you to understand the origins and historical development of United States institutions

CSU San Bernardino Course goals and objectives: This course is designed to help you to understand the origins and historical development of United States institutions, the evolving role of the country in the global community, its economics and politics, the arts, and the contributions of ethnic and gender groups to the development of each of these components that make up the tapestry of the past, which have given us our present state of existence. We will have a fantastic journey through time and there are certain key elements that you must recognize in this process: 1. Use of chronology to place events in historical perspective. 2. The recognition of multiple causations in history. 3. Viewing history in ways that take into account the values, attitudes, and motivations of the individuals as well as groups involved before making judgments. 4. Recognizing multiple perspectives that are grounded in genuine search for truth. 5. Critical analysis of how history is presented in a variety of mediums “ the evolution of historical imagery and historical consciousness. 6. Most significantly “ the development of your own historical interpretations. Student Learning Outcomes: 1.1 Students will demonstrate the ability to identify key social, economic, cultural, and political themes in American history. 1.2 Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate their understanding of U.S. History in written form. Assigned Readings: There are two assigned books for the course, United States: A Brief Narrative History, which serves as the central reader and This War is for a Whole Life, from which students will compose a scholarly book review. Both are available at the Coyote Bookstore and the UBE. Students should complete the reading assignments prior to their corresponding class meetings. Email: I only respond to CSUSB student email addresses. All students are required to check their CSUSB email for class updates, schedule changes and syllabus changes, no fewer than 2 times per week. Attendance policy: Students are expected to attend all class meetings, contribute to the discussions, and maintain a high level of professionalism at all times. If a class meeting is missed, students are required to contact a fellow student regarding all missed materials. No recording devices or cameras are permitted at any time in the classroom. If you are in need of an accommodation for a disability in order to participate in this class, please let me know ASAP and also contact Services to Students with Disabilities at UH-183, (909)537-5238. Blackboard is utilized for this course. For questions regarding on line issues, please refer to Course Assignments: There is a midterm, a final exam, and a scholarly book review. The make-up for the midterm is a 10-15 page research paper. There is no make-up for the final. No late book reviews will be accepted. EXAMS: A scantron is required for both the midterm and the final exam. The exam material will be drawn from the readings, lectures and in-class activities. THE EXAMS ARE CLOSED NOTES AND CLOSED BOOK. ANY LANGUAGE TRANSLATION DICTIONARIES MUST FIRST MEET WITH THE PROFESSOR’S APPROVAL. EXAMS MUST BE TURNED IN TO PROFESSOR. BOOK REVIEW: There is a typed, 12 font, double-spaced, come in at a minimum of 5 pages “ 1250 words, scholarly, 3rd person book review of This War is for a Whole Life, utilizing the following form: 1. A brief summary of the book. 2. Discuss and analyze the content of each chapter in the order that they appear in the book. 3. The student’s overall analysis of the major historical events discussed in the book. ** Outside sources are welcome; all essays must follow APA, MLA or Chicago/Turabian style. ** Proper citations are required. NO QUOTES are allowed; the book review should only be in the student’s own words! Grading Policy: The midterm and scholarly book review are all weighted equally at 50 points each, the final is comprehensive and worth up to 100 points and for the course a total of two hundred points is possible. All components of this course must be completed in order to receive a passing grade. This course utilizes the standard CSUSB 4.0 grading system A = 200-185; A- = 184-180 “ Superior All work is excellent, shows exceptional understanding of materials; logical, clear, and insightful; incorporates knowledge from other sources and moves easily to the next level of understanding; works well beyond minimum requirements. B+ 179-177; B = 176-165; B- =164-160 “ Very Good Understanding of material is good to very good, demonstrates good grasp of material, produces more than the minimum requirements, quality of all work is high. C+= 159-157; C = 156-145; C- = 144-140 “ Acceptable/Average Satisfactory understanding of the material, submits only the minimum requirements, displays an adequate understanding of all basic concepts. D+ = 139-137; D = 136-125; D- = 124-120 “ Passing Though Less Than Satisfactory Quality work is below average and barely acceptable. F = below 120 “ Failure Quality work is unacceptable. Academic dishonesty or plagiarism (the utilization of another’s work as one’s own) should be brought to the professor’s attention. The professor reserves the right to report any such unscrupulous activity to the administration. We will have the opportunity to discuss the paper further in class, well ahead of the due date, on several occasions. For questions regarding these and other issues, please refer to the œGeneral Regulations and Procedures in the CSUSB Bulletin of Courses for the university’s policies on course withdrawal, cheating, and plagiarism. The following grading standards will be implemented for the book review: A (90-100%): Superb “ The book review contains distinctive points that describes in focused detail, each point of evidence and the essay demonstrates insightful analysis and a clearly defined purpose. Structure and content present a clear sense of beginning, middle, and end. Distinctive, appropriate transitions connect paragraphs to each other and to the thesis, creating unity and direction. There are no historical errors. The intellectual arguments are most original and highly nuanced. The book review demonstrates a masterful understanding of material and the word choice and level of formality is superb. It also defines unusual terms and provides necessary background when applicable. Appropriate evidence and insightful explanation appear often. Sources are cited expertly, using the appropriate style. Mechanics such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation are flawless. Considerable proof-reading has taken place. Sentence variety emphasizes ideas and demonstrates exceptional effort and or superb writing skills, and thus the essay is a marvelous literary effort. The book review responds to each requirement set for by the professor, and as outlined in the syllabus, without exception. The book review is typed clearly on clean white paper, all pages are properly bound, and the cover-page includes the name of the student, the course, the title of the book and its author, and the name of the instructor, creating a professional appearance. The book review exceeds the page minimum. B (80-89%) Very good “ The content of the book review is well-organized and cogent and consists of sound interpretation, opinion, or purpose, but it lacks the depth or detail of an œA book review. Structure and content present a clear sense of beginning, middle and end. There are no historical errors. The intellectual arguments are original and generally well-nuanced. Transitions generally connect paragraphs, although some may be simple or generic, showing an imperfect sense of unity and direction. Sound evidence and explanation appear in most paragraphs, although they may be less appropriate, or require more detail or elaboration. Sources are all cited appropriately. Mechanics such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation are practically flawless, and if errors occur, they do not confound the denotation. Some sentence variety demonstrates that an attempt at crafting the work has taken place and an effort or that the writer has fine writing skills. The book review responds to each requirement set for by the professor, and as outlined in the syllabus, without exception. The book review is typed clearly on clean white paper, all pages are properly bound, and the cover-page includes the name of the student, the course, the title of the book and its author, and the name of the instructor, creating a professional appearance. The book review meets or exceeds the page minimum. C (70-79%) Acceptable College Level Work “ The book review responds to each component of the assignment, but it may be too general and does not necessarily prove each contention with supporting evidence and may be based on assumptions, or be commonly accepted fact unconnected to purpose. There is no more than one historical error. The intellectual arguments are slightly original, though not highly nuanced. Structure and content present an imperfect sense of beginning, middle, and end. Some transitions occur, but they may be awkward or generic, giving the essay little sense of unity or direction. The book review demonstrates a superficial understanding of the material, and in parts it resembles an unrevised draft. Problems occur in word choice and formality, and in defining terms. Evidence and explanation appear in some paragraphs, but the evidence may be general or the explanation assumptive. Sources are cited, though not with flawless consistently. The book review meets the page minimum. Mechanics such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation contain regular, patterned errors, suggesting poor proofreading or underdeveloped writing skills. The book review is inconsistently presented, and includes more than one typographical or printing error. The book review responds to each requirement set for by the professor, and as outlined in the syllabus, without exception. The book review is typed clearly on clean white paper, all pages are properly bound, and the cover-page includes the name of the student, the course, the title of the book and its author, and the name of the instructor, creating a professional appearance. D (60-69%) Less Than Satisfactory College Level Work “ The content of this book review is quite superficial and it is clearly based on improvable assumptions and or obvious facts, thus demonstrating that little thought or effort was put into research and the subsequent writing. Structure and content present an incoherent sense of beginning, middle, and end. Transitions, if they occur, are confusing or generic. The book review reads like an unrevised draft. Problems occur in word choice and formality, and in defining terms. There are no more than two historical errors. The intellectual arguments are disjointed and the evidence that is used does not support the assertions. Inappropriate sources or questionable or unrelated evidence is utilized. All of the components of the assignment have not been addressed. Sources are not always cited. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation contain regular errors, confusing meaning and suggesting poor proofreading and underdeveloped writing skills. The book review is unprofessionally presented, and includes many typographical or printing errors. The book review is typed clearly on clean white paper, all pages are properly bound, and the cover-page includes the name of the student, the course, the title of the book and its author, and the name of the instructor, creating a professional appearance. The book review does not meet the page minimum. F (below 60%) Does Not Meet The Minimum Requirements “ The themes are not developed and at times significant components that should be addressed are nonexistent or incoherent. Structure and content present an incoherent sense of beginning, middle, and end. Transitions, if they occur, are confusing or incoherent. The writing shows below a college level understanding of the material and reads like a very rough draft. There are more than two historical errors. There is no genuine intellectual argument offered at any point. Serious problems occur in word choice and formality, and in defining terms. Evidence and explanation do not appear in an appropriate manner or they are random and unrelated. Sources are not cited properly. Mechanics such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation render the paper incoherent, suggesting poor proofreading and undeveloped writing skills. The book review is unprofessionally presented, and includes many typographical or printing errors. The book review is typed clearly on clean white paper, all pages are properly bound, and the cover-page includes the name of the student, the course, the title of the book and its author, and the name of the instructor, creating a professional appearance. The book review does not meet the page minimum. SCHEDULE 7/31 Introduction to the Course 8/5 First Nations, Colonization and Revolution Chapters: Intro, 1 and 2 8/7 Young Republic, Jeffersonian Democracy, Age of Jackson Preview Chapters: 3, 4 & 5 8/12 Age of Jackson Chapters: 5 and 6 8/14 Age of Jackson Continued, Civil War and Reconstruction Chapters: 6, 7 and 8 8/19 Midterm! Bring Scantron!! 8/21 The Post Civil War West and Gilded Age Chapters: 9 and 10 8/26 Progressivism, WWI, Great Depression WWII Chapters: 11, 12 & 13 8/28 Cold War to Present Day Chapters: 14, 15 and 16 BOOK REVIEW DUE!! 9/4 FINAL EXAM 8-9:50 BRING SCANTRON!




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