This Portfolio is for Management class, and the class is about Organizational Behavior and Communication.

This Portfolio is for Management class, and the class is about Organizational Behavior and Communication.
You will need to do 2 separate parts for this assignment.
The ‘Portfolio’ has 2 sections:
– First: Self Assessments (I attached 8 self-assessments)
– Second: Reflective Papers
During the portfolio development process, each student will identify, research, reflecting upon, and write about critical management topics, as well as identifying areas of personal importance to him/herself as a manager. Each student will formulate and articulate coherent stances, determine how these stances can be translated into practice, indicate ways to evaluate their effectiveness and set goals and plan actions for improvement in each area.
(1) Self-Assessments – You will need first to rank your self on the questions of each self-assessments. And then for each self-assessment, you will need to write a ½ page response to your result, and answer the discussion questions for the self-assessment.
(2) Reflective Papers – write 4 essays summarizing your own views about the following topics – leadership, motivation, decision-making and ethics. Each essay must be separate from the other essays, and each essay should be 1 and half page each. Your summarizing must be from your view of these topics. Try as much as you can to make the paper interesting!
The self-assessments in the text are as follows:
What Is Your Level of Self-Esteem? p. 64
What Is Your Guiding Ethical Principle? p. 93
Core Skills Required in Strategic Planning p. 185
What Is Your Decision-Making Style? p. 224
How Adaptable Are You? p. 333
What Is Your Conflict-Management Style? p. 436
Assessing Your Leader–Member Exchange p. 470
What Is Your Most Comfortable Learning Style? p. 506

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