This research paper should address who are homeless children, how homeless children in the USA differ from children in other countries.

All research papers should contain at least two (2) professional references –Literature Reviews from peer-reviewed, scholarly, or academic journals. Do not use sources such as: Psychology Today, New York Times, Wikipedia, or FOX News, and CNN · Articles must be submitted to your instructor for approval before your paper is written. · Ü (See below for help with selecting articles.) · Articles must be no older than four years. · All resources must be cited within the paper in APA style, and listed in the reference section at the end of the paper in APA style. · Your paper should be a minimum of three (3) pages in length, not including the cover sheet or reference page. The maximum length for this paper is 5 pages not including cover page or references. · The paper is to be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point, and double-spaced

This research paper should address who are homeless children, how homeless children in the USA differ from children in other countries. The following subtopics should be covered: what are the effects on development on physical health, emotional and behavioral states, academic and cognitive factors, and biological and social development of homeless children in the USA.

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