Throughout this course, you will be working on a research project,

Throughout this course, you will be working on a research project, in which you will use statistical techniques. You will also be using Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint to create charts and tables. In each of the Units I through VI, you will have an assignment related to this research project. Each assignment will be graded on an individual basis and will not be included in the final research project grade. However, each assignment is a part of the final research project paper and must be submitted via SafeAssign in Unit VII as part of the final version of your research project paper. You will then receive a final grade on your completed research project paper.

For the Unit I Project Topic, you will write a paper of at least two (2) pages explaining to your professor what you plan to research for your research project paper. Be sure to choose a topic that pertains to a leadership or organizational behavior issue.

You are required to use at least two resources to support your ideas.

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