unit 4 discussion 2 developing a persuasive message
The ability to understand how and when to use the direct and indirect approach effectively when conveying negative news is an important skill. This discussion will explore both approaches to communicating negative messages and analyze each approach for appropriateness and clarity.
Respond to the topics listed below while keeping the requirements in mind.
- See Assignments and Grading for general discussion requirements.
- You are creating two negative messages. One message should use the direct approach. The other should use the indirect approach. Post both negative messages in the discussion forum to share with the group. The messages should be written in a Word document. Students can copy and paste the messages into the discussion forum.
- Response posts for this discussion should provide additional insight regarding the use of the direct and indirect approach. Please note that student should be addressing the use of proper approach, the ability to convey a rejection in a professional manner and closing with a respectful tone.
- First post due 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.
- Respond to two or more classmates by 11:59p.m., Wednesday, CT.
Discussion topics for the week:
Part 1: Select a business request topic from the list provided below. After reviewing the information provided in Chapter 11 regarding the direct and indirect approach and strategies for writing negative messages, write two reply messages that reject the business request selected. The first negative message should use the direct approach. The second negative message should use the indirect approach.
Request topics for refusal
- Rejecting an employee suggestion
- Turning down an invitation
- Negative message regarding a business transaction
- Refusing a request for an adjustment
- Refusing request for a letter of recommendation
- Rejecting a job application
- refusing a favor request