Use the Internet and  to research (within the past 1 [1] year) various techniques that an organization uses to determine if someone has breached its security.

“Security Mechanisms” Please respond to the following:

  • Use the Internet and  to research (within the past 1 [1] year) various techniques that an organization uses to determine if someone has breached its security. Next, examine various techniques that an organization can use to determine whether or not it has been the object of a security attack. Determine which method is the most effective. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Use the Internet to research a recent (within the past [1] year) cybersecurity / hacking attack on an organization. Next, describe (1) how the company discovered the attack and (2) the major repercussions of the attack. Recommend the three (3) most appropriate methods to prevent these types of attacks. Provide rationale for your response.
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