Use the Internet to find a recent example of a corporate high-tech investigation. Briefly review the investigation so that you thoroughly understand the situation. Be prepared to discuss.

Corporate Investigations” Please respond to the following:

  • e-Activity:
  • Use the Internet to find a recent example of a corporate high-tech investigation. Briefly review the investigation so that you thoroughly understand the situation. Be prepared to discuss.
  • Go to the ASCLD / LAB Website located at . Review the process of forensic lab accreditation and research one ASCLD accredited lab in your area. Be prepared to discuss.
  • ———————————————————————-
  • From the first e-Activity, explain the procedures followed in the corporate investigation you researched. Provide a separate situation / scenario in which these same procedures would be ideal.
  • Explain in your own words the purpose and importance of utilizing proper investigation procedures in corporate incidents and cases in both enterprise and small- to medium-sized businesses. Indicate the potential downfalls of not using these procedures.
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