Using metrics to assess organizational/program efficiency and effectiveness

Using metrics to assess organizational/program efficiency and effectiveness

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According to McLaughlin and Olson (2012), “a key component of effective operations is the ability to move strategy to action” (pg. 13).  Once a health care organization has a strategy, it is then necessary to select the accurate assessment tool to implement the strategy. Balance scorecards, strategy maps, and dashboards are three organizational assessment tools that are used frequently to move a strategy into action.

  1. Read the article, The balanced scorecard, strategy maps and dashboards: Why are they different? at the following link:
  2. Identify two (2) issues from the list of top issues confronting hospitals in 2016 published by the America College of Healthcare Executives (
  3. Then choose one (1) tool (balanced scorecard, strategy maps, or dashboards) per selected issue and discuss (from a health care manager perspective) how you would use that tool to minimize the selected issue.

McLaughlin, D. B., & Olson, J. R. (2012). Healthcare operations management (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

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