Using these five criteria, examine the following websites to determine whether the website is considered as credible for use in patient and/or professional resources.

Review the Week 2 lesson on Evaluation of a Website and view the tutorial by the National Library of Medicine on evaluating website credibility. Using these five criteria, examine the following websites to determine whether the website is considered as credible for use in patient and/or professional resources.
1. Authority
2. Information
3. Objectivity
4. Ease of Navigation
5. Privacy and Security Policies
Websites to evaluate:
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses
The National Kidney Foundation
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The Mayo Clinic
Help Guide
The Joint Commission

As you evaluate these websites using the five criteria, think about what would make this website a credible or noncredible source for use with patients and/or professionals. What does HON indicate?

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