Web-Based Healthcare Information Assessment


The web-based healthcare information assessment affords the opportunity to assess healthcare education on the internet. As future professional nurses, it is imperative you provide your clients with appropriate recommendations for credible health information on the internet.

The goal of this assessment is for you to evaluate a website of your choosing (e.g., the American Heart Association the American Diabetes Association or  Web MD, Mayo Clinic) following the HONcode criteria (Health on the Net) available in this module’s Reading and Resources folder.

 Review the HON (Honor of Code) criteria (https://www.healthonnet.org/HONcode/Conduct.html  

 https://www.hon.ch/HONcode/Patients/Visitor/visitor.html ), then select a health-based website to review if it meets the standards of HON Code.  

For additional details, please refer to the Rubric attached below for further instructions!

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