week 6 discussion google

This week’s discussion will take us beyond Google. Many of our data sources have been found using Google. While this is helpful, it is not comprehensive. Sometimes a marketing researcher may need to know if similar studies have been completed and see what the outcomes of those studies were. This brings us to using academic databases.

For this discussion, you will need to 1) find an academic article that reports some kind of research results. It can be on any topic but it needs to have been published in the last 5 years. Then, you need to 2) summarize the article in 2-3 paragraphs. Tell us what you think is important about it. To complete the discussion, after your summary 3) cite the article using proper APA formatting. This will allow you to practice for your final report. Many databases will provide you with the APA citation, but some do not format it correctly, so be cautious of this.

To find your article, use one of the library’s business databases http://libguides.msubillings.edu/az.php. You may need to sign in using your net id and password. (i can give you this)

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