Week 8: The Evidence-Nursing Practice Connection

Week 8: The Evidence-Nursing Practice Connection


Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence (4 th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.


Chapter 1: The Importance of Research as Evidence in Nursing

Chapter 16: Translating Research into Practice


Improving patient care and outcomes is paramount to the practice of nursing. As we conclude our learning journey through our world of research and evidence-based practice, it is important to reflect upon your time spent in the course:

1)Think about nursing practice and describe one barrier that you feel prohibits nurses from engaging in EBP; share one strategy you could use to facilitate the use of evidence to help improve nursing care for patients.

2)Reflect back over your time in the course and describe how your thinking has changed about nursing research and evidence-based practice; describe one new learning during this course that you believe was the most helpful.

Please use APA format, citations and references. Cite 1 scholarly resource and cite textbook to earn full credit.

  • Posted: 15 days ago
  • Due: 26/06/2019
  • Budget: $10
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