What are characteristics of a nurse in your philosophy

Remembering the four concepts that guide the development of a nursing
philosophy, describe your nursing philosophy. Make sure the following
addressed in your written presentation:
a. What are characteristics of a nurse in your philosophy?
b. What is nursing (how do you define nursing)and how do you see nursing care being delivered?
c. What is your definition of wellness, health and illness?
d. Who constitute a client in nursing? In other words define client as it relates to your philosophy.
e. Discuss your philosophy from a global, cultural and local aspect. This should be an integrated discussion as you define and discuss item a, b, c and d.
f. How has your educational journey at college impacted on the development of this nursing philosophy?

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What resources or individuals are you aware of that could help them clarify their career goals or requirements for their field?
Respond please 5 8 sentences

What questions do you have about the requirements for your peers’ profession?
What resources or individuals are you aware of that could help them clarify their career goals or requirements for their field?
While I am finishing my degrees I plan on taking the exam and becoming a BCaBA (Board Certified assistant Behavioral Analyst). While working as a Behavioral analyst assistant, I will need to be supervised by a BCBA (Board Certified Behavioral Analyst). Once I earn so many hours supervised I can then take the exam to become a BCBA

They are all different in the way they handle stressful situations and in their disorders.
The book Career Paths in Psychology was a very interesting book and I enjoyed what I read a great deal. As I read the book I really did not learn much about my career; however, I learned a lot of interesting facts about other fields of psychology. The reason I did not learn much about my career path is because when I chose my career as a new college student I did extensive research. The APA Code of Ethics has been a helpful resource and will continue to be.

As of right now I do not have any questions in regards to career.
I have spent a lot of time doing research on my career choice, the requirements, licensing procedures, the pros/cons of the job, and the Ethical codes. The information that I could not find out by doing research in my opinion is only stuff that can be learned by hands on experience.

West Virginia Psychologist License Requirements | LP Requirements in WV. (2017). Psychologist-license.com. Retrieved 29 August 2017, from http://www.psychologist-license.com/states/west-virginia-psychologist-license.html#context/api/listings

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