What does it mean to be a LEADER?Consider these three fundamental shifts:1.From stability to Change and Crisis Management

Discussion #1 What does it mean to be a LEADER?Consider these three fundamental shifts:1.From stability to Change and Crisis ManagementIn the past, many leaders assumed that the organization would be successful if they could just keep things running in a steady manner.Todays world is in constant motion, and nothing seems certain anymore.The illusion of stability has been shattered; todays best leaders accept the inevitability of change and crisis.2.From Control to EmpowermentPowerful leaders once thought that workers should be told what to do and how to do it.Today these assumptions are no longer valid.Effective leaders share power and find ways to get everyone in the organization involved and committed.3.From Competition to CollaborationAlthough some companies will encourage internal competition and aggressiveness, most successful organizations stress teamwork, compromise and cooperation so that all employees can become the best they can be.There is also a growing trend toward increasing collaboration with other organizations so that companies think of themselves as teams that create value jointly rather than as autonomous entities in competition with all others.In addition, you are asked to offer an informed opinion about each of the following:Which of these three fundamental shifts represents the greatest challenge for you? Explain.Provide an example of one of these three fundamental shifts by discussing a current event (the past 2 years).Discussion #2Path-Goal Theory of LeadershipSome of the most common situations that might prevent workers from achieving goals are as follows: follower lacks self confidence, ambiguous job, job lacks challenge, incorrect rewards.For above listed situations, there are certain things leaders could do to remove the barrier and get the worker back on the path toward the goal.1. Pick one of the four situations above in which you can relate in your own past job experience. Clearly describe the situation. What did your boss do to get you back on track? If your boss’ actions were not effective, describe what you think your boss could have done better. If you are a manager, you could describe your own actions. Your answers must be thoughtful and provide sufficient discussion and support.Consider these three fundamental shifts:1.From stability to Change and Crisis ManagementIn the past, many leaders assumed that the organization would be successful if they could just keep things running in a steady manner.Todays world is in constant motion, and nothing seems certain anymore.The illusion of stability has been shattered; todays best leaders accept the inevitability of change and crisis.2.From Control to EmpowermentPowerful leaders once thought that workers should be told what to do and how to do it.Today these assumptions are no longer valid.Effective leaders share power and find ways to get everyone in the organization involved and committed.3.From Competition to CollaborationAlthough some companies will encourage internal competition and aggressiveness, most successful organizations stress teamwork, compromise and cooperation so that all employees can become the best they can be.There is also a growing trend toward increasing collaboration with other organizations so that companies think of themselves as teams that create value jointly rather than as autonomous entities in competition with all others.In addition, you are asked to offer an informed opinion about each of the following:




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