What impact does human service workers have on one’s needs?

1. It is not uncommon to encounter colleagues that may not be aware of how their personal feelings or judgment may impact their clients’. Provide an example of when you observed this (without providing identifying information), and discuss how you addressed the situation, or in retrospect what you think you could have done to address the situation with the colleague.

2. Self-care skills are the key to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue. How would you explain the importance of self-care to a novice human services worker? What are two self-care skills you currently employ that you could share with the new worker and explain how they might maximize their self-care?

3. Describe the relationship between self-awareness and professionalism.

4. Identify strategies for maintaining an appropriate level of self-care.

5. What impact does human service workers have on one’s needs?

6. The correlation of Human service workers and feeling burnout?

7. importance of self-awareness and mindfulness as a human service worker?

8. Describe the relationship between self-awareness and professionalism.

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