What is the organization’s environment: urban, suburban, rural, etc.?
Literature Review for apple Inc.
The literature review for this assignment represents this additional research – the background information upon which you will base the picture you need to paint of your company for the final research paper.
Identify a variety of scholarly and popular writings about your company, as well as least two significant companies in the same industry.
Seek out scholarly journals, reputable trade magazines, official company reports from web sites, newspapers, etc.
Review and summarize the key points of at least 5 sources about your company, and at least 5 sources about two of its competitors combined. Remember that your goal is to gather enough information to paint as complete a picture as possible, so you may need more than 5 sources for each part.
Include in each review the focus and value of the information it contains.
Each review should be concise and accurate, about 200 words (+ 50 words), though there is no set rule.
Remember, you are not repeating all the information itself – that you will summarize in the final report itself – but rather identifying and contextualizing the sources whose information will eventually go into that report.
Include a title page and reference page, and apply strict APA formatting.
Organize your reviews in a logical and flowing manner. You should write your literature review in such a manner that it focuses on your company, its issues, or its competitor’s comparative issues so that you can subsequently incorporate it into your final paper.
Note: I am also attaching organizatial temple of the apple Inc., might help to write literature review.
Due date: June 2/15
Assignment #2: Literature Review
1. Content (60%)
a. Identifies scholarly as well as popular literature. /20
b. Includes information about vision, goals, strategy and investment philosophy. /20
c. Includes information about competitors as well as researched company. /20
2. Communication (25%)
a. Uses language clearly and effectively /10
b. Information organized intelligently and holistically (i.e. not simply answers to questions) /10
c. Proper introduction and conclusion to paper /5
3 Attention to Detail (15%)
a. APA Formatting (title, headings & references) /10
b. Spelling and grammar /5
Total /100
Organizational Profile for Apple Inc.________________________
P.1 Organizational Description: What are your key organizational characteristics? Describe your organization’s operating environments and your key relationships with residents, stakeholders, suppliers and partners.
Within your response, include answers to the following questions:
What is the organization’s environment: urban, suburban, rural, etc.?
The organization operates on a global environmental with its stores in urban areas. It operates in urban areas because of the high population in the area.
What are your organization’s main product or service offerings? What is the relative importance of each to your organizational success (e.g., skilled nursing, subacute, assisted living, etc.)?
The organization’s main products are electronics such as personal computers, mobile communication, and media devices. Its services include offering networking solutions. The relative importance to the organization includes their uniqueness from its competitors’ products and services (Apple Inc, 2015).
What is the organization’s MISSION/VISION statement (verbatim) and the specific methods used to communicate it across the organization? What are your organization’s CORE COMPETENCIES and their relationship to your MISSION?
The organization’s mission statement entails focusing on innovation and collaborations of its groups, which enables it to manufacture unique products. The organization’s core competency includes its innovations, diversified and skilled employees, diversified products and high quality products. The organization’s competencies are related to its mission. Its competencies are directed towards its innovativeness. For instance, its workplace diversity is meant to inspire innovation (Apple Inc, 2015).
What is the organization’s WORKFORCE profile? Identify your KEY WORKFORCE groups by department and function. You may use a table to provide your response.
Apple has about 98000 employees who are divided in various groups as indicated in the table below:
Workforce group by department function
Production Deal with manufacturing processes of the company electronic products
Research and development Conduct researches in the market environment
Purchasing Deals with delivering products to customers
Marketing Sell and advertise products to customers.
Human resource management Deal with hiring and developing employees’ skills in the organization
Accounting and finance Ensure that the organization has enough financial resources to achieve its goals
What are the organization’s major equipment and technologies (for example, computers, manufacturing equipment transfer equipment, alarm devices, Wii systems, WiFi, etc.)?
The organizations major equipment is the manufacturing equipment used in making the electronics. It also has a security system that consists of alarms. The technologies in the company include computers and network systems that help the organization to communicate effectively with its stakeholders.
What is the regulatory environment under which the organization operates? What are the KEY bodies of regulation related to health care delivery, occupational health and safety, physical plant, payment and reimbursement regulations?
The organization operates under many regulation bodies. For instance, its operations are regulated by environmental bodies such as the EPA. This regulations body ensure that the organization’s activities to not harm the natural environment the health of the surrounding community. The other regulation body includes the Labor regulation bodies that ensure that the organizations working standards meet those of the government standards. This prevents workers from being exploited and harmed while working in the organization (Apple Inc, 2015).
What are the organization’s principal STAKEHOLDER groups? Include CUSTOMERS and other groups most affected by the organization’s services, actions, and success. What are the differences in requirements and expectations among STAKEHOLDER groups? In addition to RESIDENTS, identify up to three other principal STAKEHOLDERS in the first column of the table below. In the second column, identify the important requirements that each of these principal STAKEHOLDER groups has of the organization. In the third column, identify the PROCESSES that your organization uses to learn of these important STAKEHOLDER requirements. Your responses should be complete and clear.
Principal Stakeholder Groups Requirements this Group has of the Organization How the Organization Learned of these Requirements
1. Customers 1. High quality and unique products 1. Through thorough marketing research
2. Employees 2. Jobs satisfaction, Involvement, Career development, and good pays 2. Through questionnaires, suggestion boxes, and discussions with employees
3. Community 3. Support community activities such as funding of education programs and maintaining environmental sustainability 3. Through researches and corporate social responsibility.
4. Government 4. Requires the organization to conduct its activities legally and ethically 4. Government regulations
2. What are the KEY types of suppliers of goods and services, including other health care providers? What are your KEY mechanisms for communicating with suppliers?
The key types of suppliers include manufacturers of chips such as Intel and Nvidia. The company communicates with its suppliers through meetings and workshops (Apple Inc, 2015).
3.From the above, what are the most important types of suppliers of goods and services?
The most important suppliers of goods and services are the chips makers. The organization uses the chips to make most of its electronic products.
What are the limitations, special business relationships, or special requirements that may exist with some or all suppliers and partners?
One of the limitations with some suppliers is that some of them have a bad reputation. For instance, some suppliers have legal labor issues because of mistreating their workers. They are known to underpay and overwork them. Since Apple deals with the suppliers, its reputation may be damaged too. In order to maintain its good reputation in the market, the company requires that its suppliers treat their workers with dignity. Suppliers are expected to empower their employees by educating the about their rights in their workplaces. As a result, its suppliers trained about 6.2 million workers. Supervisors are also trained o how to communicate effectively with employees. The company also creates a good working relationship with its workers.
What are the organizational structures and KEY management links to the parent company if a parent organization owns the applicant organization? Respond “NA” if a parent organization does not own the applicant.
The local company has its parent company that is the head-quarter. It top leaders is under the executive leaders of the parent company. Under the executive leaders are the managers of different departments within the company. Under the managers are the supervisors and the lower structural level consists of employees.
P.2 Organizational Situation: What is your organization’s strategic situation? Describe your organization’s competitive environment, key strategic challenges and advantages, and your system for performance improvement.
Within your response, include answers to the following questions:
What is the organization’s position (relative size) within the local market environment? Include numbers and types of competitors.
Apple is among the leading electronic firms. In the local market, the company is position three. It has about five key competitors who are firms dealing with electronics such as Dell, HP, and Samsung (Hoovers, 2015).
What are the principal factors that determine competitive success in the local market?
The principle factors that determines success in the market is quality and uniqueness of products. The other factor is the price. Customers are interested in high quality goods sold at reasonable prices.
What are your key available sources of competitive and COMPARATIVE DATA from within the long term care profession? What limitations, if any, are there in your ability to obtain this data?
The sources of competitiveness of the company are its employee and suppliers. It innovative workers is responsible for the firms high quality products (Hoovers, 2015).
What are at least two major STRATEGIC CHALLENGES or ADVANTAGES for the organization (e.g., entry into new markets or SEGMENTS, relationships or partnerships with Preferred Provider Networks, preparing for different expectations of the next generation of residents, human resource recruitment and retention, new alliances with suppliers, physicians, or other partners, introduction of new technologies, changes in the health care environment that impact the organization’s delivery of services, changes in strategy, or other challenges or advantages)?
The two major strategic advantages for the organization include fewer threats of new entrants. It is every expensive for ne firms to enter the market. This reduces competition in the market. The other major strategic advantage for the organization is brand loyalty. The organization is widely known for its high quality and unique products. This makes customers loyal to its brand,
What is the reason(s) why it is important that the organization address these STRATEGIC CHALLENGES or ADVANTAGES?
It is important for the organization to maintain the strategic advantage in order to maintain its top position in the market.
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