Whether in a crisis or not, the ability to influence is an important part of public safety leadership and management.

Unit VI Case Study


This chapter focuses on the ability to influence others through communication. Whether in a crisis or not, the ability to influence is an important part of public safety leadership and management. Consider the following scenario:


As the emergency services director for High Park County you have been asked to speak at a town forum prior to a special election to decide on the fate of a bond referendum designed to raise funds for two new rescue stations.


Additional information regarding the referendum:


High Park County has four stations, three that are over 30 years old. One of those three stations was recently found to have asbestos and mold that are at significantly high levels, and a second has been found to have questionable structural stability. Only one of the stations has room for a ladder truck and each of the older stations only has sleeping quarters enough for four staff.


Using one of the methods of influence discussed in this chapter, develop a two- to three-minute speech for the town forum trying to persuade them to vote to support the bond initiative.


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